I'm in the process of building a 00 gauge model railway. all the buildings and railway structures  are  to be 3D printed .

I've opted for a digital (DCC) set up so all my locomotive's have to be chipped with a DCC processor. This means I can run many trains at the same time even on the same track and sound can be added to individual locos .. However it does add cost to each loco and a lot of older locos that are still available second hand or unused are not DCC ready. The DCC processor can be hard wired to these older non DCC ready locos with some fine soldering skills.

One of the other advantages of DCC over the standard DC setup is that DCC uses alternating current which results in very little voltage drop on the lay out. The whole track is live so there is much less wiring required , 

What started as a lock-down boredom 12 foot oval of track  grew into a 16 foot double oval and is still growing.

I've already starting printing 00 scale structures from various STL files. Some are a mix match of files added together and resized in Tinker cad and mesh mixer.